Metronidazole in a single dose for the treatment of trichomoniasis. Failure of a 1-g single dose.

To determine the minimum effective dose of metronidazole in the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis, a randomized clinical trial comparing single 1g and 2g doses was carried out on 163 patients attending sexually transmitted diseases and family planning clinics. Seventy-two of 86 (84%) patients receiving a single 2g dose of metronidazole were cured compared with only 42 of 77 (55%) receiving a 1g dose. The body weight of the patient was a significant variable affecting treatment outcome only in the latter group; 69% of patients weighing > 57 kg or less were cured compared with only 43% of those weighing more. Patients who failed after either dose regimen were retreated with a single 2g dose. Eighteen of 21 (86%) and 7 of 10 (70%) failures with the initial 1g and 2g doses, respectively, were cured. A single 1g dose of metronidazole is not recommended as routine treatment for vaginal trichomoniasis.