Global analysis of inclusiveBdecays

In light of the large amount of new experimental data, we revisit the determination of |Vcb| and mb from inclusive semileptonic and radiative B decays. We study shape variables to order ΛQCD3/mb3 and αs2β0, and include the order αsΛQCD/mb correction to the hadron mass spectrum in semileptonic decay, which improves the agreement with the data. We focus on the 1S and kinetic mass schemes for the b quark, with and without expanding mbmc in heavy quark effective theory. We perform fits to all available data from BABAR, BELLE, CDF, CLEO, and DELPHI, discuss the theoretical uncertainties, and compare with earlier results. We find |Vcb|=(41.4±0.6±0.1τB)×103 and mb1S=4.68±0.03GeV, including our estimate of the theoretical uncertainty in the fit.