Zinc and anergy in pediatric Hodgkin's disease in Turkey

Blood (serum, erythrocytes) and hair zinc levels were determined in 60 biopsy-proven pediatric Hodgkin's disease cases at diagnosis. Cellular immunity also was assessed through total lymphocyte counts, Erosette formation, lymphoproliferative response (LP), and delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity tests to dinitrochlorobenzene, streptokinase-streptodornase, purified protein derivative and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in some of these patients. Interestingly, anergic patients unresponsive to four antigens showed significantly more depressed serum zinc levels as well as decreased lymphoproliferative response to mitogen (PHA). A positive correlation could be shown between serum zinc level, cutaneous anergy and LP. A possible contributing role of zinc deficiency in defective cell mediated immunity in Hodgkin's disease was proposed, and administration of oral zinc, as a natural immunostimulant is considered in this lymphoma. Cancer 59:305–309, 1987.