Enhanced Bioavailability of Itraconazole in Hydroxypropylβ-Cyclodextrin Solution versus Capsules in Healthy Volunteers

The bioavailabilities and bioequivalences of single 200-mg doses of itraconazole solution and two capsule formulations were evaluated in a crossover study of 30 male volunteers. The two capsule formulations were bioequivalent. The bioavailabilities of the solutions itraconazole and hydroxyitraconazole were 30 to 33% and 35 to 37% greater, respectively, than those of either capsule. However, the maximum concentrations of the drug in plasma (Cmax), the times to Cmax, and the terminal half-lives were comparable for all three formulations. These data indicate that the bioavailabilities of itraconazole and hydroxyitraconazole are enhanced when administered as an oral solution instead of capsules.