Quantum-noise reduction in Raman lasers: Effects of collisions, population trapping, and Doppler shifts

We investigate the effect of collisional broadening, of population trapping and repumping, and of detuning of the atomic levels on the quantum-statistical properties of Raman laser radiation. We find that under suitably chosen operating conditions the effect of such additional incoherent relaxation mechanisms for the atomic polarization and populations can be made very small. One obtains highly nonclassical values for the Mandel Q parameter and the output-intensity fluctuation spectrum S(ω) for experimentally reasonable parameters. Including detuning of the laser and the pump light from the atomic levels in certain cases can lead to further narrowing of the intracavity photon number distribution, as compared to the resonant case, down to a Mandel Q parameter close to the optimum possible value of Q=-1. A subsequent preliminary analysis prevails that inhomogeneous Doppler broadening of the atomic lines, both for collinear and for counterpropagating pump and laser light, is not detrimental to the nonclassical intracavity state.