Polyoma Virus-Induced "Complement-Fixing Antigen" in Tumors and Infected Cells as Detected by Immunofluorescence.

Polyoma virus-induced complement-fixing antigen (PV-ICFA) was demonstrated by immunofluores-cence in polyoma primary rat kidney and hamster subcutaneous fibro-sarcomas, in 1 polyoma transplantable mouse tumor and in 1 polyoma-transformed in vitro hamster cell line. The antigen has a typical nuclear localization appearing either in a granular or in a diffused form throughout the whole nucleus except for the nucleoli. A lower concentration of ICFA was found in the hamster tumors than in the rat and mouse tumors. The PV-ICFA was also demonstrated in polyoma-infected mouse, hamster and rat embryonic tissue cultures. In primary infected cultures of all 3 species, the synthesis of PV-ICFA preceded that of viral-antigen (PV-A). Many more cells synthesized PV-ICFA than PV-A. The difference was especially high in the hamster and the rat cultures in which the ratio of PV-ICFA to PV-A positive cells averaged about 40.