Cytopathogenic Effect of Salmonella typhi GIFU 10007 on M cells of Murine Ileal Peyer's Patches in Ligated Ileal Loops: An Ultrastructural Study

An electron microscopic study revealed that, within 30 min after inoculation into the ligated ileal loop of anesthetized mice. cells of Salmonella typhi GIFU 10007 adhered to the M cell surface of Peyer's patch lymphoid follicle epithelium, and induced almost complete destruction of M cells. The M cell cytoplasms were pinched off and extruded from the epithelial lining into the luminal space together with the lymphoid cells primarily enfolded into the corresponding M cells. When two or more M cells were destroyed, a large defect in the epithelial lining was apparent, and a number of bacteria appeared near the basal lamina of the epithelial lining. These findings suggest, as far as anesthetized murine ileal loops and strain 10007 are concerned, that ileal M cells are the target cell at an early stage of S. typhi infection and the infection may further progress to deeper tissues and to the general circulation.