Bovine Mycoplasmas: Cultural and Biochemical Studies II

A number of biochemical and biological tests have been performed using reference strains of presently known mycoplasma species or sero-groups of bovine origin. The purpose of these investigations was partly to fulfil the requirements of “The Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Mycoplasmatares” in describing new species of mycoplasmas, and partly to select methods which might be of value in daily diagnostic work. Concerning the latter point, the following tests are recommended for strains belonging to the digitonin resistant genus Acholeplasma: catabolism of galactose, xylose, aesculin and arbutin. In the genus Mycoplasma, which is digitonin sensitive, 5 tests are of special value: catabolism of glucose and arginine, phosphatase activity, formation of “film and spots”, and serum digestion.