Oxidative Ionic Metabolites of L-Methyl-4-Phenyl-L, 2, 3, 6-Tetrahydropy-Ridine (MPTP): Correlation of Electro-Reduction with Physiological Behavior

Electrochemical studies (reduction potential and reversibility) were performed on 1 -methyl-4-pheny!pyridi-nium(MPP +) and l-methyl-4-phenyl-2, 3-dihydropyridinium (MPDP +) . MPP+ gave reduction potentials in the range of - 1.09 to - 1.11 V in organic solvents in a process which was reversible. The reduction potential of MPDP+ was -0.64 V (irreversible). Possible relationships involving the electrochemical properties, oxy radical formation, and biological activity of these and related iminium species are discussed.