Relationship Between Intraosseous Pressures and Intra-Articular Pressure in Arthritis of the Knee: An Experimental Study in Immature Dogs

Influence of chronic synovial inflammation and effusion on juxta-articular bone hemodynamics in the juvenile knee was studied in 12 immature dogs with Carrageenan-induced unilateral arthritis. Using a fluid filled electromanometric pressure recording system, simultaneous pressure measurements were taken from the distal femoral metaphysis, juxta-articular epiphyses and knee joint cavity in general anesthesia followed by intraosseous phlebographies. During resting conditions the intraosseous pressure of the distal femoral epiphysis and the intra-articular pressure are significantly elevated. Phlebographies showed increased accumulation of contrst in arthritic femoral epiphyses with decreased contrast clearance rate. During increasing intra-articular pressure an augmented vulnerability of the blood supply of the arthritic femoral epiphyses was demonstrated. Joint effusion may play an important role in the bone changes of juvenile degenerative knee arthritis.