A mixed discrete Fourier transform‐Finite difference algorithm is developed and used for the calculation of rapidly changing viscous fluid flows past a circular cylinder. The numerical approach has been designed to overcome certain difficulties arising for high Reynolds number simulations. The foremost advantage of the technique lies in its fast calculations of the convolution sums portraying the convective terms of the governing equations. Third‐order spatial discretizations and fourth‐order time marching are implemented.New schemes are proposed for the boundary conditions at the solid wall and at large distances. The techniques are tested on a case study with other schemes (summarized by Roache1) in order to obtain an optimal choice. Definite indications on the stability and accuracy of boundary condition schemes are achieved. Support for the statement of dominant importance of boundary conditions is also given.A comparison of computational results with experimental data is presented for the case study of the flow past an impulsively started cylinder at Reynolds number 20.The time development of the symmetrical zone of recirculation, which is formed at an early stage of the flow, has been studied for 300 ≤ Re ≤ 9500 by means of the proposed algorithm. Computational results, comparisons with experimental data2 and discussion of upper limits of validity of the procedure will be presented in a companion paper.