Search for Three-Nucleon Force Effects in Analyzing Powers forpdElastic Scattering

A series of measurements have been performed at KVI to obtain the vector analyzing power Ay of the 2H(p,pd) reaction as a function of incident beam energy at energies of 120, 135, 150, and 170 MeV. For all these measurements, a range of ϑc.m. from 30° to 170° has been covered. The purpose of these investigations is to observe possible spin-dependent effects beyond two-nucleon forces. When compared to the predictions of Faddeev calculations, based on two-nucleon forces only, significant deviations are observed at all energies and at center-of-mass angles between 70° and 130°. The addition of present-day three-nucleon forces does not improve the description of the data, demonstrating the still insufficient understanding of the properties of three-nucleon systems.