Distribution and organization of cholinergic neurons in the rat forebrain demonstrated by computer‐aided data acquisition and three‐dimensional reconstruction

An understanding of the organization of cholinergic neurons in the central nervous system has been an important objective for many years. By developing and applying a new electronic method for mapping tissue sections, we have generated original graphic and quantitative findings on forebrain cholinergic neurons that provide new insight into their distribution and organization. Satoh, Armstrong, and Fibiger (Brain Res. Bull. 11:693–720, 1983) have proposed that in the basal forebrain cholinergic neurons with long axons form a continuum rather than being arranged as a series of discrete nuclear groups. It has been difficult, however, by conventional methods of data analysis and display, to test this hypothesis. By using a digital microscopy system, the position of every cholinergic neuron was marked with 1-μm resolution in tissue sections taken at 90-μm or 180-μm intervals through the entire distribution of these neurons in the forebrain. The three-dimensional reconstruction of these neurons in context shows them to be distributed as a continuous cell column. The column twists and changes position as it is deformed by adjacent neuronal structures, such that its shape and continuity would not be apparent without reconstruction into a computer graphics model. Complementary analyses of the distribution of cholinergic interneurons in dopamine-rich regions of the forebrain indicated that there are regional differences between striatal and olfactory tubercle neurons. Cellular morphometry analyses show the population of cholinergic neurons in the rat to be surprisingly homogenous in size, but not in shape. Graphic and quantitative analyses indicated that there is a striking relationship between the distributions of projection and interneuronal cell groups. We conclude that the basal forebrain cholinergic neurons form a continuum. The chemoarchitecture of this cell group does not conform to the usual cytoarchitectural divisions. The present, results, however, taken together with the findings based on Nissl-stained sections and connectional and biochemical data, suggest that the region of this neurochemically defined continuum should be reexamined for consideration as a single functional entity or nucleus: a cholinergic basal nuclear complex.