Control of Mucin Transcription by Diverse Injury-induced Signaling Pathways

Mucin production is an evolutionarily ancient defense mechanism that is retained in mammals and operates at all mucosal surfaces to protect the host against pathogens and irritants. As in lower organisms, the mammalian mucosa (epithelium) produces mucin in response to diverse insults. Our studies aim to understand the intracellular signaling and gene regulation mechanisms mediating mucin production in response to clinically important insults. To date, we find that the signaling pathway triggered by each type of insult is distinct. Relatively common, however, is the involvement of the protein tyrosine kinase c-Src, the MAP kinase kinase MEK 1/2, and the transcription factor NF-kappaB. Basbaum C, Lemjabbar H, Longphre M, Li D, Gensch E, McNamara N. Control of mucin transcription by diverse injury-induced signaling pathways.