The Photovoltaic Concentrator Initiative

Recognizing the recent improvements in concentrator cell efficiencies and progress in low-cost module designs, the US Department of Energy has authorized Sandia National Laboratories to implement and administer the Photovoltaic Concentrator Initiative, a program to accelerate the advent of a self-sustaining industry capable of providing cost-effective photovoltaic concentrating-collector power systems. Toward this goal, competitively placed, multiyear developmental efforts will be established with companies committed to the commercialization of the resulting technologies in the Initiative's two major areas: concentrator-cell and concentrating-collector development. Since Sandia has unique capabilities in both of these areas, cooperative development efforts are planned. This Initiative is designed both to move the existing high-performance cell technology from the laboratory to the production floor, and to develop the collector technology to the stage where it is ready for final production engineering. The features of the Initiative and the progress to date toward satisfying its purpose are given.<>

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