Effect of the cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae) on total glucosinolate in the seed of oilseed rape (Brassica napus)

Levels of total glucosinolates (compounds known to reduce the nutritive value of rapeseed meal) were determined in the seed of oilseed rape, Brassica napus L., cultivar ‘Tower’. Results are based on field trials established to evaluate the effect of disulfoton on the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.). Seed from rape plants grown in the glasshouse, with and without aphids, was also examined for total glucosinolate. In the field trials disulfoton had no consistent effect on total glucosinolate in the absence of aphids. When aphid infestation was severe, total glucosinolate levels for 2 sowing dates were 32 and 46 μmole/g in seed from infested rape, compared with 27 and 21 μmole/g in seed from rape having fewer aphids following disulfoton treatment. In the glasshouse trials, seed from plants without aphids contained 24 μ mole glucosinolate/g, whereas seed from plants infested with aphids for 10 days at pre- to early flowering, at full to late flower, or at post-flowering, contained 43, 40, and 32 μnole glucosinolate/g. Seed meal from rape heavily infested with cabbage aphids has increased levels of glucosinolate, and therefore may have lower nutritive value than meal from aphid-free rape.