Clearcut differences exist between the reproductive organs of Corallina and Jania. Fully formed spermatangial conceptacles in Corallina have low ceillings and pronounced beaks whereas in Jania they have high ceilings and lack beaks. Fusion cells in carposporophytic conceptacles are thin and broad in the former genus and thick and narrow in the latter. Tetrasporangial conceptacles have less capacity in Jania than in Corallina and the fertile areas in young conceptacles cover a smaller area. Haliptylon is changed from group to generic status and Corallina subulata is transferred to this genus. Haliptylon is characterised by conceptacles similar in all known respects to those of Jania, but the branching is pinnate, as in Corallina. From the available evidence it appears possible that organisms having Corallina-type conceptacles diverged phylogenetically long ago from those having Jania-type conceptacles.

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