Angular distributions and differential ranges at 900 to the beam of Ba128, Ba131, Bam135, and Ba140 emitted in the interaction of U238 with 0.8-400 GeV protons have been measured. The angular distributions of Ba128 and Ba131 change from forward-peaked to sideward-peaked between 3 and 11.5 GeV, while those of Bam135 and Ba140 are sideward-peaked and independent of bombarding energy in the above regime. Momentum distributions of all products are Gaussian at 0.8 GeV with a mean value increasing from 120 (MeVA)1/2 for Ba128 to 139 (MeVA)1/2 for Ba140. The momenta of the neutron-deficient products decrease by nearly a factor of 2 with increasing proton energy and the distributions broaden and become asymmetric. On the other hand, the momentum distributions of Bam135 and Ba140 are independent of proton energy. The results are analyzed with the two-step model and compared with the kinematics of the coherent interaction model. The implications of the results and comparisons for the reaction mechanism are considered.