The U(1) problem

A detailed analysis of the problems associated with the conserved U(1) axial-vector current in quark-gluon models is presented. It is shown that such models involve a light isoscalar pseudoscalar boson, with a mass less than 3mπ. The existence of this boson would produce a strong off-shell variation in the η3π matrix element, thus invalidating the usual conclusions about the rate and energy dependence of this decay. Following Kogut and Susskind, it is proposed that the light Goldstone boson is actually a dipole, with positive- and negative-metric parts, which cancel in matrix elements of gluon-gauge-invariant operators but not in operators such as the U(1) current. It is shown that the masses of the observable pseudoscalar bosons and the η decay rate are then just as they would be in a theory without the U(1) symmetry, and in fair agreement with experiment. The application of current algebra to theories with charmed quarks is briefly discussed.

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