Effects of Glycerol Concentration, Equilibration Time and Temperature of Glycerol Addition on Post-Thaw Viability of Boar Spermatozoa Frozen in Straws

Experiments were conducted to study the effect of glycerol concentration, equilibration time and temperature of glycerol addition on post-thaw viability of boar spermatozoa after cryopreservation in straws. Semen (split ejaculate) in maxi-straws (6 mm o.d.) was frozen using a programmable freezing chamber. Three methods for in vitro sperm evaluation were used: motility (MOT), acrosome integrity (NAR) and flow cytometric analysis of sperm treated with carboxyfluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide to assess sperm plasma membrane integrity (PMI). No interactions were found among the three variables evaluated. Length of prefreeze exposure to glycerol, ranging from .5 min to 75 min, had no effect on post-thaw sperm viability. Exposure of sperm to a glycerol-containing extender medium at 5°C gave improved post-thaw viability over that exposed at 0°C (P < .05). Glycerol at a concentration of 3 or 4% resulted in maximum post-thaw MOT. Acrosome integrity values were greatest for 2 and 3% glycerol, whereas PMI was greatest when glycerol concentration was 4 to 6%. The primary cryoprotective effect of glycerol on boar semen may be extracellular. It is concluded that 3 or 4% glycerol gives maximum viability of frozen-thawed spermatozoa when the present methods are employed.