Increases of Neuron-specific Enolase, S-100 Protein, Creatine Kinase and Creatine Kinase BB isoenzyme in CSF following intraventricular catheter implantation

In 15 patients without acute brain injury the concentrations of Neuron-specific Enolase (NSE), S-100 Protein (S-100), Creatine Kinase (CK), and Creatine Kinase BB isoenzyme (CK-BB) in ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were measured immediately after lateral ventricle cannulation for diagnostic or treatment purposes. From patients who were treated with a shunt another CSF sample was obtained one week after shunt implantation by puncture of the antechamber of the valve. The CSF concentrations of NSE, S-100, CK and CK-BB after cannulation were found to be of the same order as found in patients with severe head injury, stroke or subarachnoid haemorrhage. One week after shunt implantation the concentrations of S-100, CK and CK-BB had returned to normal levels in almost all patients, while the NSE concentrations remained elevated. These findings indicate that the sampling procedure may result in contamination of CSF with NSE, S-100, CK and CK-BB and they should be taken into account in the prognostic evaluation of enzyme concentrations after brain injury.