Protection−Deprotection Chemistry to Control Styrene Self-Directed Line Growth on Hydrogen-Terminated Si(100)

TEMPO, 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyloxy, was used in a series of protection-deprotection chemical reactions in order to gain single molecule-level control over the extent of styrene line growth on hydrogen-terminated Si(100). The mechanism involves the reaction of TEMPO with the dangling bond at the end of individual styrene lines. The TEMPO cap protects the dangling bond from further reaction with styrene resulting in the termination of line growth. TEMPO is then selectively removed from desired lines, deprotecting the dangling bond, using the scanning tunneling microscope. Further exposure of the surface to styrene ensures that only the deprotected areas continue to grow while the protected lines do not. All lines can then be capped with TEMPO, and this allows for the generation of stable styrene lines of varying lengths.