An optical-pumping state-selection technique for the study of collisions of P3 atoms in individual spin-orbit states is described. This technique is used to determine state-to-state intramultipletmixing cross sections for collisions of CaPo3 with helium in a beam—static-gas arrangement. The derived cross sections are as follows: for J=2J=1, 31.9±4.2 Å2; for J=2J=0, 5.5±1.6 Å2; and for J=1J=0, 2.0±5.0 Å2. These quantities represent averages over the translational-energy distribution (average energy 0.0556 eV). In the following paper Alexander, Orlikowski, and Straub present quantum close-coupling cross sections as a function of translational energy, using the pseudopotential Ca-He interaction curves of Malvern [J. Phys. B 11, 831 (1978)]. The experimental 2→1 and 2→0 cross sections are found to be 3 to 4 times larger than the calculated theoretical values. In contrast to the theoretical prediction for the ratio of the smaller cross sections, the 2→0 cross section is found to be larger than the 1→0 cross section.

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