Absorption ofL-alanine and other dissolved nutrients by the spines ofParacentrotus lividus(Echinoidea)

The possibility that marine invertebrates might obtain part of their nutritional requirements by direct absorption of dissolved molecules through the epidermis has recently received considerable attention. This revival of interest in a field which had been virtually abandoned since the early part of the century was led by the findings of Stephens & Schinske (1957, 1958, 1961). Modern analytical techniques have revealed that the amount of dissolved nutrients in coastal waters is much greater than was formerly realized; total amino acids have been recorded in concentrations of up to 10-4mole/litre in south-east Alaskan waters (Schell, 1974) and 7 x 10-5mole/litre off Helgoland (Bohling, 1970). Direct absorption of amino acids has been conclusively established in several phyla (see reviews by Stephens, 1968,1972), and one of the major aims of current research is to show that dissolved organic molecules taken up from available concentrations could be of nutritional significance. Recent developments concerning the possible roles of uptake in marine ecosystems have been reviewed by West, de Burgh & Jeal (1977).