Potato Line Mb1501B is a derivative of the cultivar Maris Bard (Solanum tuberosum), transformed with T-DNA from A. tumefaciens strain LBA1501. In culture it grew as frequently branching stunted shoots with a basal callus, lacking roots. These shoots did not form tubers. When grafted, Mb1501B shoots gradually became morphologically more normal and aerial tubers formed readily. Cultured Mb1501B shoots contained 100–200-fold higher concentrations of the biologically-active cytokinins zeatin, zeatin riboside and their corresponding side-chain o-glucosides than untransformed Maris Bard shoots. Cultured Mb1501B shoots contained approximately a 3-fold lower concentration of indole acetic acid (IAA). In grafted Mb1501B plants a 3–10-fold higher concentration of the active cytokinins was found compared with untransformed plants and no difference in IAA concentration.