Auger and autoionization features of clean and oxygen-exposed iron

Studies have been made of the M2,3VV Auger transition and the 3p-core loss feature for the Fe(110) surface, both for the clean surface and after various dosages of oxygen. The peaks within the Auger feature are shown to be directly related to the oxygen-induced changes in the d band observed in ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy studies. Changes in intensity and position of the anomalous peak above the M2,3VV Auger threshold and the feature past the 3p-core loss threshold after oxygen exposure suggest a correlation between the two features. The major core loss feature is interpreted as a resonant excitation of 3p electrons to a localized state above the Fermi level, with the decay of this state by direct recombination, resulting in an autoionization peak above the Auger threshold. Although changes in autoionization features are rare as they are quasiatomic and hence less likely to be affected by chemical environment, we interpret our results to be due to changes in the excited state from 3d for the clean surface to a 4s state, localized by the presence of the 3p hole, in the oxide.