Experimental regeneration of the caudal skeleton of the glass knifefish,Eigenmannia virescens (Rhamphichthydae, Gymnotoidei)

This paper describes the regeneration of the caudal axial skeleton after amputation of the tail, including about 20 vertebrae, in the gymnotoid fish Eigenmannia virescens. Seven days after amputation, a regeneration blastema developed and soft tissues degenerated. A cylinder of cartilage developed at the end of the notochord. When this cartilage was about 10 mm long (21 days), perichondral ossification began. The cartilage continued to elongate and ossification increased while osteoclasts began to destroy the cartilage ventrally. Finally, a bony rod formed and at its tip the cartilage persisted as a rod, 2 to 3 mm long. The anal fin also regenerated: Endoskeletal cartilage developed first, following by differentiation of the lepidotrichia, and finally ossification of the endoskeleton.