Submicron Channel MOSFET Using Focused Boron Ion Beam Implantation into Silicon

A new submicron channel length device, ion beam MOSFET (IB-MOS), is proposed as an effective application of focused-ion-beam implantation into silicon. The effective channel region of this device is formed by the one line scan of a 16 keV, focused B+ ion beam (diameter: 0.2 µm, current density: 50 mA/cm2) in an As+ implanted n- gate region between the source and drain. It is demonstrated by two dimensional device simulation that significant improvements in current gain, drain breakdown voltage and short-channel threshold effect are achieved for IB-MOS devices with 0.8 µm source-drain spacing. A fabricated IB-MOS device verifies the results of the simulation, except for the current gain, because of the high impurity effect in the channel region, which could be improved by choosing appropriate channel implantation conditions.

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