Identification of the polypeptides encoded in the ATPase 6 gene and in the unassigned reading frames 1 and 3 of human mtDNA.

Antibodies prepared against chemically synthesized peptides predicted from the DNA sequence were used to identify the polypeptides encoded in the ATPase 6 gene and in unidentified reading frames (URF) 1 and 3 of human mtDNA. Antibodies directed against the COOH-terminal nonapeptide of the putative polypeptide encoded in the ATPase 6 reading frame immunoprecipitated specifically component 17 of the HeLa cell mitochondrial translation products, the reaction being inhibited by the specific peptide. Antibodies directed against the COOH-terminal undecapeptide of the putative URF1 product or against the COOH-terminal heptapeptide of the presumptive URF3 product were effective in immunoprecipitating specifically component 12 or, respectively, component 24 of the mitochondrial translation products. The sizes of proteins 17, 12 and 24, as estimated from their electrophoretic mobilities, are compatible with their being the products of the ATPase 6 gene, URF1 and URF3, respectively.