Hubble Space Telescopeand VLA Observations of Seyfert 2 Galaxies: The Relationship between Radio Ejecta and the Narrow‐Line Region

We present HST/WFPC2 images, in narrowband filters containing the [O III] λ5007 and Hα + [N II] emission lines and their adjacent continua, of a sample of seven Seyfert 2 galaxies selected because they possess either extended emission-line regions in ground-based observations or a hidden broad-line region in polarized light. Six of the galaxies have also been observed with the VLA in order to obtain radio maps of better quality and angular resolution than those in the literature. We find detailed correspondences between features in the radio and emission-line images, clearly indicating strong interactions between the radio jets and the interstellar medium. Such interactions play a major role in determining the morphology of the NLR, as the radio jets sweep up and compress ambient gas, producing ordered structures with enhanced surface brightness in line emission. In at least three galaxies, namely, Mrk 573, ESO 428-G14, and Mrk 34 (and perhaps also NGC 7212), off-nuclear radio lobes coincide with regions of low gaseous excitation (as measured by the [O III]/(Hα + [N II]) ratio). In Mrk 573 and NGC 4388, there is a clear trend for low-brightness ionized gas to be of higher excitation. These results may be understood if radio lobes and regions of high emission-line surface brightness are associated with high gas densities, reducing the ionization parameter. [O III]/(Hα + [N II]) excitation maps reveal bipolar structures that can be interpreted as either the ionization cones expected in the unified scheme or widening, self-excited gaseous outflows. Only NGC 4388 and Mrk 573 show a clearly defined, straight-edged ionization cone.
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