Atomic-Mass Dependence of the Transverse-Momentum Distribution of Massive Muon Pairs from 225-GeV/cπ-Nucleus Collisions

We have measured the atomic-mass dependence of the PT distribution of massive muon pairs produced in 225-GeV/c π-nucleus collisions at Fermilab. We find that PT2 is consistent with being independent of the atomic mass A, with the value of 1.69±0.10 (GeV/c)2 for muon pairs of mass between 4.0 and 8.5 GeV/c2. When the dependence of PT2 on A is parametrized as PT2=a+bA13, we find that b=0.079±0.073 (GeV/c)2 which corresponds to an upper limit of 0.015 (GeV/c)2 at the 90% confidence level.