Search for Doubly RadiativenpCapture

We have made a search for doubly radiative np capture n+pγ1+γ2+H2. It has been suggested that this process might contribute to the total np-capture cross section and thus explain the long-standing discrepancy in np capture (σexpt=334.2±0.5 mb and σth=302.5±4.0 mb). Previous np-capture experiments have been insensitive to the energy distribution of the capture γ rays. In this experiment we searched for two-photon events by looking for γ rays in coincidence from a H2O target exposed to a beam of thermal neutrons using two 5×5-cm NaI detectors. Analysis of the coincidence spectra indicates two-photon np-capture events have not been observed. An upper limit at the 3 standard deviation confidence level of σ2γ1.0 mb can be placed on the doubly radiative np-capture cross section. Therefore the two-photon cross section does not explain the discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental np-capture cross sections.