Arrayed silicon prism coupler for a terahertz-wave parametric oscillator

Using room-temperature parametric oscillation of a LiNbO3 crystal pumped by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with a simple configuration, we have realized a widely tunable coherent terahertz- (THz-) wave source in the range between 1 and 3 THz. Inasmuch as the THz wave is affected by total internal reflection at the crystal edge, we used a Si prism coupler to couple out the THz wave. We introduce an arrayed Si-prism coupler that increases the efficiency and decreases the diffraction angle. By use of the arrayed-prism coupler, there is a sixfold increase in coupling efficiency and a 40% decrease in the far-field beam diameter, compared with the use of a single-prism coupler. We discuss the negative effect of the free carriers at the Si-prism surface that is excited by the scattered pump beam, and the positive effect of cavity rotation on the unidirectional radiation of the THz wave from a Si prism.