High-temperature series expansions of the partition functions for the Ising and Heisenberg models are analyzed for various values of the spin s. The fcc lattice is used for which successive coefficients are sufficiently regular for estimates of critical behavior to be made with confidence. It is suggested that the magnetic susceptibility above the Curie temperature is of the form A(1TcT)43 for the Heisenberg model for all s, instead of A(1TcT)54 for the Ising model. Critical estimates of energy and entropy show that the magnitude of the "tail" of the specific heat anomaly is insensitive to the value of s, and is about 2.5 times larger for the Heisenberg than for the Ising model. The sharpness of the anomaly at the Curie point increases as s increases, and on passing from the Heisenberg to the Ising model. A brief reference is made to experimental results.