Distorted-Wave Born-Approximation Analysis of theZr90(d,α)Y88andY89(He3,α)Y88Reactions

The levels of Y88 have been studied with the Zr90(d,α) and Y89(He3,α) reactions with 30-to 40-keV resolution at 15-MeV incident energy. The (d,α) angular distributions for transitions to eight prominent levels below 2.2 MeV have been measured over 15°θ150°. The reliability of parameters entering distorted-wave Born-approximation calculations was checked in detail. The (d,α) calculations include the finite-range correction of Chant and Mangelson. The two-nucleon form factors (f.f.) were generated by the oscillator-expansion technique of Drisko and Rybicki, and the effect of residual interaction on the f.f. and angular distributions was studied. An attempt has been made to determine the (d,α) absolute normalization constant based on local zero-range calculations, and limits of 20D0230 have been set. Two-nucleon f.f. generated by the Bayman-Kallio method were compared with the Drisko-Rybicki f.f. The (He3,α) angular distributions for eight strongly populated levels below 1.7 MeV were measured over 20°θ125°. Spectroscopic factors and ln transfers have been extracted with both local zero-range and nonlocal finite-range calculations. The (He3,α) results were compared with (d,α) results to determine unique parities and narrow Jπ limits for the levels studied. He3 and α elastic scattering on Y89 have also been measured and optical-model potentials have been determined. Good agreement between this work and the recently reported Rb85(α,nγ)Y88 results is seen for the level energy and Jπ assignments made.