Yeast flocculation: Flo1 and NewFlo phenotypes and receptor structure

Flocculation characteristics of 42 flocculet strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were examined. Two entirely distinct ‘lectin‐like’ mechanisms of flocculation were distinguished by sugar, salt, and low pH inhibitions, protease sensitivity, and selective expression of flocculation. One group, termed Flo1 phenotype, was inhibited by mannopyranoses and contained all strains bearing known genes affecting flocculation. The other group, termed NewFlo phenotype, contained the majority of brewery ale strains and was inhibited by manno‐ and glucopyranoses. Detailed sugar‐inhibition work revealed the probable receptor identity of both Flo1 and NewFlo flocculation, as being non‐reducing termini of α‐(1–3)‐linked mannan side branches, two or three mannopyranose residues in length.