Radioimmunoassay of erythropoietin: analytical performance and clinical use in hematology

We report here the performance of a recently commercialized radioimmunoassay kit for determining erythropoietin (EPO) in serum or plasma. The lower detection limit of the method was 3 U/L. Precision, analyzed by the variation coefficients between different assay runs and in the same experiment, was always less than 10%; accuracy was assessed by recovery and dilution tests. In anemic patients (hematocrit 18-39%), the concentration of EPO was logarithmically related to hematocrit. A relatively large dispersion of the results was noted, as reported by others with various RIAs. Patients with severe renal failure demonstrated a very low EPO value, whatever the degree of their anemia. In some chronic anemias resulting from malignancy, EPO concentrations were also relatively low. In the polycythemia vera group, the EPO mean was below normal for greater than 95% of the patients, whatever their clinical stage (first evaluation, relapse, or remission). In contrast, 91% of the patients with pure erythrocytosis had a normal or increased EPO value, even when the etiology was unknown. Measurement of EPO concentration may be useful for the clinical differentiation of myeloproliferative disorders and, subsequently, for their prognosis and choice of treatment.