Bolitoglossa occidentalis, a lowland salamander of Mexico and Guatemala, has a highly derived morphology. The features that are derived with respect to the condition in generalized members of the genus include the following: (1) small body size; (2) short tail; (3) fully webbed hands and feet; (4) reduction and loss of certain phalangeal elements; (5) fusion of carpals and tarsals; (6) absence of prefrontal bones; and (7) reduced skull ossification. The ontogeny of this species was analyzed quantitatively and compared with the patterns of growth and differentiation encountered in two morphologically generalized members of the genus, B. rostrata and B. subpalmata. Most of the derived features can be explained by invoking a single heterochronic process: truncation of development at a small size (most likely the product of early maturation). Therefore, B. occidentalis is a paedomorphic species whose morphology has been attained through the process of progenesis. This result supports Alberch's ('80a) prediction, based on functional analysis, that the principle adaptation to arboreality in B. occidentalis is small size; other derived morphological features are associated with the organism's truncated development and may have no adaptive significance. However, patterns of dissociation are found within this overall progenetic process. Some of these include the following: (1) accelerated growth rates of the metatarsals and first phalanges, and retarded growth rates of the second and third phalangeal elements; (2) dissociation between rates of ossification of the skull and the autopodial elements; and (3) dissociation between the timing of termination of the process of shape change during the ontogeny of the foot (the product of differential growth between digital and interdigital areas) and termination of growth in overall foot size (foot surface area). This later result illustrates the independence of morphogenetic phenomena (shape change) from processes of growth (size increase).