Recently developed Padé approximant techniques are applied to two sets of S01NN scattering data. In the first, the unconstrained S01np phase shifts of MacGregor et al. are used to generate a scattering function, F(k2)=kcot(δ0), which is fitted with high precision. A six-parameter [3/2] Padé fit gives four terms of the effective range expansion; the resulting Marchenko-type potential is expressible as the sum of a Yukawa one-pion-exchange potential and a shorter range part, the repulsion peaking at the origin at near 4 GeV. In a second application, Padé fits are made to the scattering function of the Reid soft-core potential. The [3/2] approximant which fits F(k2) through the wave numbers consistent with the Lambert, Corbella, and Thomé criterion, to k=2.5 fm1, leads to a potential with a core height of 4.6 × 104 GeV. In both [3/2] potentials the volume integrals are large and negative, and cannot be made positive by adjoining more repulsive high energy phase shifts. By application to the Reid soft-core potential the Padé formalism is shown to generate useful [LL1] Padé approximants with increasing L. The analytic structure of F(k2) beyond k=224 fm1 is used in the construction of higher Padé approximants that (a) satisfy the Lambert, Corbella, and Thomé criterion and (b) might lead to saturation.