Evaluation of methods to estimate cigarette smoke uptake

Exposure to tobacco smoke is measured by a variety of invasive and noninvasive techniques. The purpose was to examine how well some of these measures correlated when obtained simultaneously from the same subjects. On 3 occasions, 6 subjects were studied while they were smoking a single cigarette after 24 h of abstinence. There were positive correlations between increases in heart rate and plasma nicotine concentrations and between percentage carboxyhemoglobin and exhaled CO. Although residual cotinine was readily detected in samples of plasma before the subjects smoked, there was an increase in mean levels, with a peak .apprx. 1 h after smoking. Urinary concentrations of nicotine, continine and nicotine-1''-N-oxide and thiocyanate levels in plasma and saliva were essentially unchanged by smoking a single cigarette. Data on smoke generation and nicotine retention in cigarette butts correlated poorly with all other measures of smoke uptake.