Polarized Zeeman fluorescence spectra of triply ionized neodymium in sodium compensated calcium tungstate have been taken at 2°K. Values of g for the 4F 3/2Γ 7,  8 and several levels of the 4I ground term have been obtained. Accurate energy and polarization measurements were made, allowing assignment of S4 irreducible representations for all 11 levels of the 4I9/2 and 4I11/2 multiplets. Results are found to be consistent with recent predictions from crystal field calculations employing an effective spin—orbit Hamiltonian. Summation of the g's for the three Γ 5,  6 levels of the 4I11/2 multiplet yields a value of −7.53± 0.19, whereas the partial g‐sum rule predicts G 11/2,  6,  3/2 5,  6) = − 8.69 and the crystal field calculations yield −8.47.