A Painting Technique to Enhance Pool Boiling Heat Transfer in Saturated FC-72

A benign method of generating a surface microstructure that provides pool boiling heat transfer enhancement is introduced. Pool boiling heat transfer results from an enhanced, horizontally oriented, rectangular surface immersed in saturated FC-72, indicate up to an 85 percent decrease in incipient superheat, a 70 to 80 percent reduction in nucleate boiling superheats, and a ∼ 109 percent increase in the critical heat flux (CHF = 30 W/cm2 ), beyond that of the nonpainted reference surface. For higher heat flux conditions (19 to 30 W/cm2 ), localized dryout results in increased wall superheats (8 to 48°C). The enhanced surface heat transfer coefficients are four times higher than those from the reference surface and similar to those from the Union Carbide High Flux surface. Photographs that identify differences in bubble size and departure characteristics between the painted and reference surfaces are presented.