The regulation of the synthesis of alcohol oxidase, catalase, formaldehyde dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase was investigated in the methanol-utilizing yeast Hansenula polymorpha. The organism was found to synthesize immunologically identical alcohol oxidases during growth on glycerol and methanol. Growth on glycerol, however, was not dependent on the alcohol oxidase, as was shown with a mutant without alcohol oxidase protein. Similarly it was shown with a catalase activity negative mutant that high catalase activity during growth on glycerol was not a prerequisite for the utilization of this substrate, though absolutely required for growth on methanol. Experiments were conducted with mixed substrates to study the influence of methanol on alcohol oxidase synthesis. In batch cultures, growth on ribose plus methanol resulted in an enhanced rate of alcohol oxidase synthesis as compared to ribose alone. In continuous cultures, (D=0.1 h-1) addition of methanol to glycerol-, glucose-, or sorbose-limited cultures gave rise to increased alcohol oxidase activity of up to 20 U/mg, which is about by 2 times higher than the specific activity used for growth on methanol alone. The increase in specific activity of the dissimilatory enzymes on the mixed substrates is partly due to methanol per se, as was shown by a mutant unable to dissimilate or assimilate methanol.