We derive a general expression for the magnetic susceptibility (χ) of intrinsic semiconductors in the Bloch representation using finite-temperature Green's-function formalism. It is shown that terms of the same order have been missed in the earlier theories of χ. In order to apply our theory to tetrahedral semiconductors, we construct a basis set for the valence bands which is a linear combination of the sp3 hybrids forming a bond in which their relative phase factors (heretofore neglected) have been properly included. We also construct a basis set for the conduction bands which are orthogonal to the valence-band functions. We construct Wannier functions for the valence bands from our Bloch functions and show that the bond orbitals used in the earlier chemical-bond theories are not the proper choice for the Wannier functions of the valence band. We use our basis functions in our general expression to obtain an expression for χ of tetrahedral semiconductors. Our expression for χ is origin independent and is free from any "scaling" parameter, unlike the earlier theories. A novel feature of our result is that our expressions for Van Vleck-type susceptibility is proportional to the overlap integral and tends to zero in the "no bonding" limit. We calculate χ of elemental and III-V tetrahedral semiconductors, and there is good agreement with experimental results.