Mössbauer Effect ofEr166in Erbium Orthochromite

The hyperfine structure of the Mössbauer resonance in ErCrO3 has been studied from 4 to 40°K. At the lowest temperature, a well-resolved hfs pattern is obtained; from this the moment of the ordered Er3+ ion can be determined to be 6.2μβ. At higher temperatures, relaxation effects smear the spectrum, and the data have been analyzed using a model in which the Kramers doublet which is the lowest Stark level of Er3+ is split by a molecular field coming from both the Cr and Er sublattices. Above the TN(Er), the relaxation rate follows an Orbach process, and below TN the rate is roughly constant, with τ2×1010 sec. The first excited Stark level was found to lie about 47°K above the ground Kramers doublet.