Food Iron Absorption in Man

Björn-Rasmussen, E. Food iron absorption in man. IV. Validity of the extrinsic tag two-pool method for measurement of dietary non-heme iron absorption in patients with various clinical disorders. Scand. J. Gastroent. 1973, 8, 645–650 In 11 subjects with various clinical disorders equal absorptions were found from biologically “Fe-labeled soy-beans and from trace amounts of 59Fe Cl3 added during preparation of the meal. The results of the study indicate that a complete isotopic exchange takes place within the non-heme iron pool in subjects with gastric anacidity, rapid gastric emptying, and severe iron deficiency. It is concluded that the recently proposed extrinsic tag two-pool method to measure food iron absorption can be used in the study of iron absorption in populations where such gastroenterological or hematological disorders are prevalent.