SGEMP Geometry Effects

Self-consistent, fully dynamic computer calculations were performed using the recently developed arbitrary body-of-revolution code ABORC for complex geometries in SGEMP environments to test the validity of simplifying geometry assumptions previously made in the solutions of these problems. Assumptions such as simple geometry representations of complex bodies and separability of inside and outside problems are tested. Effects of gaps, interior electrical paths, and booms protruding from bodies are discussed. High space-charge-limited results are emphasized. The response of simple bodies such as cylinders and spheres was found to be similar to more complex geometries in terms of peak currents and response rise times, although much of the detail in terms of resonant frequencies, internal responses, and responses around reentrant bodies is lost. The inside and outside responses of an object can be separated in many cases even though both solutions by themselves are highly nonlinear and the leakage currents are relatively large. The external response of a highly segmented body is similar to the response of a smoothly connected body of revolution. The internal response can be considerably different when a conducting path exists between the segments.

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