The Green's-function diagrammatic expansion technique developed by the authors is applied to a spin-1 Heisenberg ferromagnet with easy-axis single-ion anisotropy. Inconsistency, which prevails in the previous random-phase-approximation equation-of-motion calculations, is examined and shown to be eliminated in the present calculation. Spin-wave energies, correlation functions, and magnetization are calculated to the zeroth order and first order in 1z. Critical temperature is determined (in fact, for a more general system which includes also the anisotropic exchange interaction) and compared with the values obtained by the high-temperature-expansion technique. The agreement is generally within a few percent (less than 1% for the Ising cases). At low temperatures, the second order in 1z calculation is carried out. We show, in the temperature expansion of the magnetization, Dyson's T4 correction to the first Born approximation, along with a series of terms led by T2eβD due to the single-ion anisotropy.