The theoretical behaviour of radiofrequency transitions with Delta m>or=1 in an atomic vapour under the simultaneous action of a longitudinal optical pumping, a static field introducing small decoupling between I and J and a relaxation mechanism is investigated. It is shown that the information contained in the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian of the atom 'dressed' by the RF field can be used to simplify significantly the equations of the time evolution of the atomic density matrix. Although an analytical solution is obtained only in a few simple cases a numerical solution is possible for any RF polarization. Several previous treatments are shown to be limiting cases of the general equations presented here. From the analysis of the recent experimental results of Arimondo and Corbalan (1974) on the ground state of 87Rb, it turns out that the observable quantities are strongly dependent on all the parameters describing the simultaneous action of the pumping cycle, relaxation and the RF interaction. Thus accurate descriptions of the pumping cycle and the relaxation mechanism are required for any comparison with theory of experimental results for the widths and shifts of multiple-quantum transitions.