The reactions of mercurated pyrimidine nucleotides with thiols and with hydrogen sulfide

In the presence of thiols, 5-mercuripyrimidine nucleotides are quantitatively converted to 5-thiomercuri derivatives, but these compounds are unstable and decompose at a rate dependent on the nature of the thiol. The decomposition involves three different reactions and proceeds via a symmetrical mercury derivative of the nucleotide. The end product is the unmodified nucleotide. Similar reactions occur in the presence of hydrogen sulfide. Since mercurated nucleoside triphosphates are substrates for RNA- and DNA polymerase only in the form of thiomercuri derivatives, this implies that when DNA is replicated or transcribed in vitro with a mercurated substrate, the latter is rapidly demercurated to the unmodified substrate which is incorporated as well. Hence the product of the in vitro synthesis can only be partially mercurated in any one pyrimidine. Also, formation of cross-links in the resulting polymer is possible.